What I did this summer…

While other RVs spent time at the beach or mountains, at some nice but boring campground, I spent most weekends in Trexlertown, PA, parked in an overflow parking lot at the Valley Preferred Cycling Center. My human peeps went a little crazy. For some reason, they decided that riding bikes with only one gear and without brakes around and around in a circle was more fun than riding on roads with scenic vistas. Crazy to me but I did get to road trip every weekend, so that was lots of fun.

When the male human inputted the address for the first time, I thought, “Really?? PA?? Come-on, give me something a little more interesting.” Turns out, this little slice of PA was pretty awesome.

Each Friday, the humans would pack far too much stuff for a couple of days. From books to clothing to food, they seriously over-estimated their consumption. We would sit in traffic along 95, 695, and 83, usually in rain. It was like Mother Nature decided, “Ollie is headed to PA? Make it rain!” I soon learned the best places to stop for my food (Royal Farms….love the pavement, so smooth) and human food/drink (Peets, Black Olive Family Diner) along the route.

Best Volunteer Ever
Don, one of the volunteers, removing water from the track so the humans can train.


Once we arrived at the velodrome, I could stretch out with the slideout and put on my shades. I love those silver covers for my windshields. Keeps me from getting too hot. With a full tank of propane, I could keep my humans cool during the night and soon we would all be asleep, resting for the exciting day ahead.

Each Saturday at the velodrome, there is a farmers’ market. From yummy bakery items to vegetables that make me glad I only eat diesel fuel, it remained a highlight of each weekend. Our favorite vendor owned a catering business, serving Lebanese cuisine. From falafel to hummus to all sorts of salads, the humans stocked up each Saturday and filled my refrigerator with aromas from a different part of the world.

Just as I was relaxing, the crazy humans would finish their track workouts and we would head into town for more propane for me and a latte for them. A note: the Starbucks located inside the Giant is the slowest Starbucks on the planet. Seriously. I loved stopping at the Tractor Supply Source for propane.

In the parking lot, I would always find a really interesting truck with whom to chat. I learned so much about the area. Since my female human is an economist and the male human is prone to Planet Money podcast listening, I have picked up a thing or two about economics and really like learning more about the structure of the economy from the locals. I had no idea that crayons and hot chocolate mix are both manufactured in the area. If the female human finds out about the crayons, I know a side-trip we will take!!